The Skanchy Store in Utah in 1966

The Skanchy Store in Utah in 1966

Monday, September 15, 2014

A Legacy Worth Recording

          To start, I would like to introduce myself briefly and explain my purpose for this blog.
My name is Kirstin Skankey and I am currently in college studying history. With a last name like Skankey, I felt that my family's last name was the only one of it's kind. I was constantly asked where my name came from and I only was able to answer with the only answer that I had been told:

"It's Norwegian."

"It used to be Skanchy, but then they changed it since no one was able to pronounce it."
"Yes, it's really Skankey."
"No, we chose not to change it back."
"Yes, it's REALLY Skankey."

However, as I have pursued my family history over the years I have found that my Skankey family is only a part of the puzzle.

Anthon Lorenzo Skanchy, my Great-Great-Great Grandfather, was the first Skanchy to make it to Utah in September 1868. Having been baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints early in 1861, Anthon served a few church missions within Norway before heading to America. Anthon's life was well spent with his family and the LDS church that led him back to his homeland often to preach the gospel. By the end of his life in 1914, he ultimately had three wives; Anne Christine Jacobsen (1832-1892), Caroline Flygar (1846-1918), and Sigrid Langaard (1868-1958).

Between these wives there were dozens of Skanchys that remained in Utah. Many years have passed since Anthon, but his legacy still remains with the group of Skanchys (and Skankeys) that still reside within Utah and the United States.
The goal that I have for this blog is to focus on one Skanchy ancestor each week in order to expand my knowledge of our fascinating family.
I hope this will be a great aid to other people who are interested in the Skanchy line.
So feel free to watch for those updates, because this blog will start to fill up with photos, documents, and records of our ancestors who are ready to have their stories told. 

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